Uterine Prolapse Treatment

Uterine prolapse is a condition in which the uterus falls into the vagina. The condition is also called vagina prolapse.

The uterus is a part of a woman’s reproductive system. It is also called the womb. It is held in place by the pelvic muscles. Over time and with strenuous activities such as vagina birth and aging, the pelvic muscles tend to become weakened.

The weakened muscles reduce the support of the muscles for the uterus, and this can cause it to fall into the vagina naturally. This often will create a bump or bulge in the vagina. In severe cases, the uterus may protrude through the vagina and become visible outside the vagina. This is called a complete uterine prolapse.

What causes uterine prolapse?

Many things can cause the uterus to fall into the vagina. Generally, any activity or factor that can weaken the pelvic muscles holding the uterus in place can be deemed a potential causative agent of uterine prolapse. Some of the causes of uterine prolapse include:

  • Pregnancy

  • Vagina delivery

  • Getting older especially after menopause when the level of estrogen has significantly dropped

  • Chronic coughing

  • Lifting heavyweights

  • Straining during bowel movements

  • Previous pelvic surgery

Uterine Prolapse Treatment 

The treatment of uterine prolapse often depends on the severity of the condition. As such, uterine prolapse is graded, and your choice of treatment will depend on the severity of the uterine prolapse.

There are 1st to 4th grade of uterine prolapse. In the 1st grade, the uterus has descended onto the upper part of the vagina. In the 2nd grade, the cervix drops into the level just outside the opening of the vagina. In the 3rd grade, the cervix is outside the vagina while in the 4th grade, the entire womb is outside the vagina.

Most times prolapses up to the 3rd grade can be resolved or prevented from worsening by practising Kegel exercises, using correct body postures to lift weights, preventing and treating constipation, using estrogen replacement therapy during menopause and so on.

Uterine Prolapse Surgery

Severe cases of uterine prolapses, however, will require medical attention including uterine prolapse surgery which includes removal of the uterus. This procedure is called a hysterectomy. If the uterus is removed, it'll become impossible for the woman to bear children naturally. As such, if future pregnancies are intended, then a vaginal pessary may be used to correct the uterus.

A vaginal pessary is a device that supports and help keep the uterus in place. It, however, requires regular maintenance and care once inserted.

So, what’s next?

If you have or are worried that you may have a prolapse, it’s important that you see a Gynaecologist so that you can diagnose and manage your condition. We’d be happy to assist you in the process, so please contact us if you’d like to know more or book an appointment with Dr Latika Cilly.


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